Friday 11 January 2013

My Raspberry Pi Cluster :)

So my final year project is to make a cluster of raspberry pi micro computers to crack encrypted office documents and here is my pi cluster :)

The distributed document cracker is based on John the Ripper which I've already started to contribute to
I have a prototype for distributing John already built and while its not ready for public release everything made as part of this project will be open source once I feel the code is ready. (Probably under the MIT license)

Below is a gallery of how it got to this state. Sorry about the blurry images, I'm not a great photographer.


  1. Well done you little technophile, here's to an affordable supercomputer in every household!

  2. Sweet. Can we get a usable OS and GUI on there?

    1. They are all using raspbian. There isn't a OS running over the whole cluster I'm just using custom code & a master slave architecture to distribute john the ripper across the cluster.

  3. Clean up the Ethernet cable there is no reason for it to be such a mess.

    1. Sorry don't have crimpers & I was provided with 1 meter cables so there is a reason ;P

  4. Nice project. Take a look at our attempt at building a Raspberry Pi cluster

    1. Cool dude your wiring is certainly better than mine :)

    2. Wiring can soon become very hard to manage :)

      Take a look at the follow on blog post which contains information about the Aluminium rack we built

  5. can I distribute john the ripper across a Linux cluster? I am running 5 machines (Core 2 Duo)?

    would you mind making a guide for beginners please?

    1. Once I'm finished you should be able too. I'll be open sourcing the code and I'll probably put a guide up on the blog.

    2. I've finished most of the software if you'd like to try it out. There's not automatic recovery system if a node goes down but chances are it won't matter and there are script to help humans recover any data.

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