First, I looked at "CityBike'me" but unfortunately the dublinbikes datasource appeared to be broken in this app so I decided to roll up my sleeves and write my own. I thought that since BikeMe would be fixed soon enough. I'd only need something simple for my own needs and MVP to get through the time while BikeMe wasn't working. So I found an API to use and decided I just wanted a list of stations with how many bikes/spaces were available with a quick station view to how extra information like how old this information was and the location on the station on a map.
A couple of hours, hacking about later I came up with SailBike Dublin, screen shots and a link to the github repo can be seen below. It's very much a stop gap but hopefully it helps a few other people out as well, I've released it on the Jolla harbour it'll be up as soon as it's passed QA. As with all software which I release opensource, it's MIT licensed. If anyone needs one for their city, let me know. It's fairly trivial to make a version which isn't Dublin specific.
Unfortunately as I've recently dropped my Jolla (cracking it's screen) and missed out on the Jolla C device program this will most likely be my last app for Sailfish OS. Unless of course, the program reopened before I end up replacing my Jolla with an Android phone.
Github: https://github.com/ShaneQful/SailBikeDublin
i was using your app. it is nice... also i reviewed your code to create my own .tnx man
ReplyDeleteCool what app did you make ?